「超薄音響喇叭」WSJ 頒大獎!
- 2009.09.15
- 撰稿:王麗娟 Janet Wang2009年9月14日,工研院電光所研發的「超薄音響喇叭」,獲得美國華爾街日報全球科技創新獎得獎名單(The Wall Street Journal - Technology Innovation Awards)「消費性電子類」首獎!華爾街日報於報導中指出,「工研院成功研發如紙片般薄度且可彎曲的超薄音響喇叭,贏得了消費電子類別的科技創新首獎。它是一個不受限於任何尺寸,還能以微小結構發出高效能(保有傳統喇叭音質)的喇叭。由於超薄音響喇叭重量輕且耗電量低,適用於手機或汽車音響系統應用,也可應用於火車站公共服務公告、購物商場廣告及巨型看板等。工研院正在尋求技轉廠商,或成立新創公司進行商品量產。」去WSJ上讀了一下原文,如下:Taiwan's Industrial Technology Research Institute, or ITRI, won in the consumer-electronics category for its work developing a paper-thin, flexible speaker.Researchers at ITRI, a nonprofit organization, devised a way to create arrays of tiny speakers that can be combined to produce high-fidelity speaker systems of almost any size.Because the fleXpeaker is lightweight and consumes little power, it could be attractive for use in cellphones or in car sound systems. Other possible applications include giant banners that could be used to deliver public-service announcements in train stations or advertising messages in shopping malls. ITRI is seeking to license the technology or create a spinoff company to commercialize the product. 華爾街日報科技創新獎,今年已經是第九屆,是國際科技研發領域極為推崇的科技研發獎,針對理念或方法的突破性(breakthrough),以及創意嶄新性(innovation evolutionary or revolutionary) 且可商業化的技術進行評比。工研院獲得「消費性電子類」首獎的這款「超薄音響喇叭」,是電光所自2006年開始研發的技術成果,以紙及金屬電極為材質,運用「印刷」方式生產,目前已申請17案45件的全球專利。