

Technical Development Manufacturing Award: NovaCentrixNovaCentrix wins this award for its PulseForge™ line of processing tools. PulseForge™ tools sinter in milliseconds metal and semiconductor inks, including on low temperature, flexible substrates such as PET and paper.

2008 美國軟電展績優廠商

IDTechEx Printed Electronics Awards Winners Announced美國印刷電子(軟電)展頒獎表揚傑出廠商Attendance at the annual IDTechEx Printed Electronics USA 2008 event reached almost 700 people from 22 countries. The event hosted the IDTechEx Printed Electronics Awards to recognize outstanding achievement. The award categories and winners are:


Best Commercialization Award: EpsonEpson has invested substantially in developing inkjet printing technologies for electronics, and wins the IDTechEx Commercialization Award for commercializing the technology in large-scale deployments.

國際固態電路研討會 ISSCC 2009年2月舊金山舉行

2009年,引領著全球高科技產業的ISSCC將於2月8~12日在美國舊金山舉行。國際半導體重要組織IEEE固態電路學會(IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society; IEEE SSCS)自1953年起,負責主導主辦每年一屆的「ISSCC國際固態電路研討會」,該研討會不但是全球先進固態電路領域研發趨勢的重要指標,更被IC領域視為技術發表最高殿堂。



「公務人員傑出貢獻獎」向被譽為公務人員之最高 殊榮,堪稱是模範公務員中之菁英。97年度全國各機關踴躍推薦74位模範公務人員角逐公務人員傑出貢獻獎獎座,經考試院組成評審委員會,採初審及決 審二階段嚴謹的評選過程後,本會所屬中部科學工業園區管理局楊局長文科以其建構優質投資環境帶動中臺灣科技產業轉型與升級的優異表現,及為台灣社會民生與 經濟努力的卓越貢獻,脫穎而出,獲評選為97年度十位得獎人之一。
